Neighbourhood Plan Studies

Studies are starting for two areas, one in Nobleton and one in King City, to develop a vision for how we want these areas to evolve. I posted about these studies earlier and provided incorrect dates; the errors have now been corrected.  The events for the Nobleton one...

Countryside Zoning Bylaw Amendments

On the agenda for the March 6 council meeting there is a staff report presenting amendments to to the Township’s Countryside Zoning Bylaw 2022-053.  As indicated approval is not being requested; feedback from public and others is still to be reviewed. The...

Severance on Banner

One of the two Council statutory public meetings on Monday January 8 is for an application to amend both the Zoning Bylaw and the Official Plan to enable a severance application on Banner Road just south of the 6 storey condominium development on King Road. ...

Changing 3 Lots on 7th Concession

One of the two Council statutory public meetings on Monday January 8 is for a zoning bylaw amendment application involving 3 properties on east side of 7th concession south of 16th Sideroad.  The proposal is to adjust boundaries and for 2 instances sever and convey...