2021 Budget

On January 25 Council agenda there is Staff report presenting the draft 2021 operating budget and 2021-2022 capital budget.  As indicated these budgets MAY be approved at this Council meeting or approval may be defered until Feb. 8th.   The proposed increase on the...

Climate Change Action Plan in King

The second webinar about the King Climate Change Action Plan is Thursday, Oct. 22 at 6 pm.  You can register just before joining in but if you register now you will get a gentle reminder in your email closer to the date.  The first one was on 1o/19 and was taped; it...

Active Transportation

On agenda for October 19 Council the report on Active Transportation has been brought back.  It was originally presented a month ago when some concerns were raised which required some additional research by Staff.  I am excited about this as it captures many ideas...

What I Heard at AMO

I attended the virtual Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference for Aug. 17-20.  As I found these conferences in past years to be worthwhil I looked forward to it and was curious as to how effective it would be as a virtual experience.  Again, there...