Draft Strategic Plan 2019-22

On March 9 Council agenda there is report regarding establishment of a strategic plan for the remaining time of this Council (i.e. through to 2022).  The report requests endorsement of the identified priorities, objectives and key actions which will then inform...

Transportation Masterplan (TMP): final draft

On February 24 agenda there is the draft TMP with a recommendation for Council to approve it.  Changes have been made to draft presented in previous Council which, I believe, enhance the value of this masterplan.  I commented earlier about the plan; and want to make a...

By-law Report: stats and plans

Februry 24 Council agenda includes a report from By-law; its entitled 2019 statistics but it also includes information on program & service improvements.  The productivity of the division is noteable:  since 2016 there has been 81% more complaints with no...