Nov 26, 2017 | The Issues
At November 27 Council meeting there is statutory public meeting for a planning application to re-develop the lands at south west corner of Dufferin and King Road in King City. (Follow link provided and see agenda item 6.1.) The proposed development include a 1...
Nov 26, 2017 | The Issues
Several week ago I asked if my readers had any input for the upcoming 2018 budget; specifically are there programs/services occurring today which you think should be reduced or eliminated in order reduce property tax burden. Or, are there programs/services you would...
Nov 19, 2017 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
The Official Plan Review team will be introducing the first working draft of One King, King Township’s new draft official plan to Committee of the Whole in a working session meeting on Thursday, November 30 at 7PM in Council Chambers. Members of the public are...
Oct 16, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
There is a Staff report recommending elimination of the vacant unit rate rebate program. As indicated the decision itself has little material impact because it has not been used significantly. But, the process for reaching this position is very appropriate: ...
Oct 15, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
There is important Staff report on 10/16 Council agenda about funding options for those interested in running in the 2018 election. A source of funding for those interested to run for election in Municipal Councils in Ontario was eliminated in 2016: donations from...
Jul 18, 2017 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
My recent post about the property tax increase solicited a strong response from Marc; it is in the comments section on right side of this page. As I was reflecting on how to respond I reviewed my post and realized that I had focused on discussing the change in...