Zoning By-law Review

The best tools we have for protecting the character of our established neighbourhoods are the two updates, in process, for the King City and Schomberg zoning by-laws and the Official Plan. (For the zoning by-law amendment we are building off the effort completed for...

2017 Budget With 2018 Capital

2017 Budget will be on 1/23 Council agenda for approval by Council. The draft budget includes a property tax increase of 2.98% on the Township portion; when blended with the York Region increase (2.86%) and the expected 0% increase for Education the blended increase...

Small Cell Technology with Bell

On 12/12 Council agenda there is a staff report about Bell installing small cell technology on municipal land and facilities.  The latter will improve cellular broadband connectivity at no incremental cost.  In fact, Township will collect some modest revenues.  I am...

Current Twshp Office location: declared surplus

On 12/12 Council agenda there is a report reviewing process for selling the property where Township Office is currently located.  As has been reported previously the sale of the property is a major source of revenue for funding the new Town Hall at the former Holy...