Development North of Dennison on Keele

At 11/14 Council meeting there is a public meeting for a development application on east side of Keele just north of  Dennison.  As indicated in Staff report there is interest in seeing more diversity of housing forms in King City; hence this application for 18...
Stop Scary Sprawl!

Stop Scary Sprawl!

Monday, October 31st is the last day to tell Premier Wynne that you are opposed to any of the Protected Countryside being paved over.  You can easily send a message; click here and sign the petition asking Premier Wynne and Minister Mauro to protect the...

Traffic Study by Ward

Very unfortunately it is hardly an exaggeration to say that everyone is talking about volume and speed of traffic.  At Council on TUESDAY, November 1 there is a Staff report reviewing learnings from a  series of traffic studies conducted during 2015 and 2016 across...


At October 17 Council there is a public meeting for a development application for property on Keele north of Station Road including the site often referred to as the former potato chip factory.  I consider this application to be exciting as it propose to create what...