Jul 9, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On the July 11 Council agenda there is a report with the final draft of the new Nobleton Zoning By-law (ZBL) with a recommendation to Council to approve it. As I have indicated in other posts, the zoning by-laws for the Township are in desperate new of revision;...
Jun 12, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
June 12 Council agenda includes a draft by-law and draft report on Animal Control. Staff have reviewed the numerous by-laws in place, each covering different aspects of the topic and have determined that updating and consolidating is of value. And, in addition, new...
Jun 7, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
Open houses are being conducted for the zoning by-law review in King City and Schomberg. I have been impatient waiting for this to start as this is the means to protect our mature subdivisions. Specifically, this is where we have the opportunity to effectively...