Official Plan Phase 2: direction setting

Phase 2 of Official Plan Review is on Council agenda for 11/2.  Its a very  important report as this drives how the Township will evolve.  At this stage all the details are not yet being determined; but very significant policy directions are being determined such as: ...

2016 Budget Preparation

Preparations for the 2016 Budget are well underway.  For those interested in the deliberations here are a couple dates you will want to keep in mind.  November 2 there is a working session for Council at which Staff will provide a review of what 2016 will look like if...

Anti-SLAPP Legislation in Ontario!

Anti-SLAPP legislation – Bill 52, known as the Protection of Public Participation Act passed third reading 10/28/15 at Queen’s Park.   This is great news as it protects our democratic right of freedom of speech, and the right to be engaged in issues of...

Demolition of Heritage Properties

As has been reported in the local papers lately there is disagreement and confusion about the subject of protecting & conserving heritage properties in King.  Often discussions about the need to protect seem theoretical and almost abstract as the built property...