Community Improvement Plan–King City

In early July a public meeting was held to discuss the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for King City.  I am glad some residents and business owners were able to attend as there was opportunity for them to express their ideas about priorities in terms of which...

Modifying Kingscross Speed Humps

Speed humps have been installed on Kingscross Drive.  The friction ignited in the community by the decision to install them is most unfortunate; hence it is truly unfortunate that the installation was not as good as it should have been. Corrections will be made week...

Community Improvement Plans–2nd workshop & meeting

As I commented on earlier we are embarking on development of Community Improvement Plans (CIP) for our 3 villages. The second round of meetings for each village is now occurring.  Meeting for King City is Tuesday, July 15 6-8:30 PM in the Council Chamber room. ...

Transportation Master Plan–information session #2

We are developing a long term (20 year) transportation vision for King. We want a sustainable transportation system with a strong focus on efficient use of existing infrastructure, transit, active transportation demand management. You are invited to drop in to an...

Neonicotinoid Treated Seeds and the Honey Bee

I am very proud that my resolution on neonicotinoid treated seed, which was seconded by Councillor Eek, was unanimously supported at Council on July 7th. It is time that there be real action to address the risk to honey bees and other pollinators associated with the...

Servicing Options for Mary Lake Estates–the choices

Earlier I indicated that servicing options (water and sewer) for Mary Lake Estates were being assessed and that options on the table would be presented at an information meeting on June 24.  If you weren’t able to attend or you want to see again, here are the...