Oct 31, 2023 | Miscellaneous, The Issues, Uncategorized
Interested in learning about cultural heritage conservation in King? Attend one of three upcoming cultural heritage protection workshops led by the King Heritage Advisory Committee in partnership with the Township’s Heritage team. The information sessions are free and...
Oct 26, 2023 | Climate Action, Miscellaneous, The Issues, Uncategorized
On the Oct. 30 Council agenda there is report reviewing a new team: King Environmental Action Team (KEAT). As indicated the members of KEAT will be implementing actions which will enhance and conserve the natural environment and support climate change mitigation...
Oct 11, 2023 | Budget, The Issues
Throughout the 2022 municipal election campaign every candidate heard that there was a need for traffic calming. In 2023 in Ward 5 work has been done to address the issue in 2 areas: the network of streets leading to the GO train station and the neighbourhood west...
Sep 23, 2023 | The Issues
On Sept. 25 Council agenda there is a staff report presenting the Inventory of services provided to the community including the standards to be achieved. For example, how often is the grass cut at the baseball diamonds, what programs are to be offered at Cold Creek. ...
Sep 23, 2023 | Miscellaneous, The Issues
On Sept. 25 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending approval of several actions to support maintenance of the Eversley Church on Dufferin St. The actions include approval of a heritage permit, awarding heritage grants. As explained in the report one...
Jun 11, 2023 | Miscellaneous, The Issues, Uncategorized
On June 15 Council agenda there is a report regarding the clean out of culverts and channels (one in Kingscross and one in Nobleton). The report is seeking approval to single source without a RFP with TRCA. As reviewed there is good reason for this procurement...