Public Meeting: Bushland Heights

Here is formal notice of the statutory public meeting for the development called Bushland Heights.  As indicated it will be on the February 5 Council meeting.  This development is on east side of Jane north of King Road.  At this meeting the developer presents their...

Eaton Hall Creek Crossing: 2nd PIC

The second public information meeting about options for crossing the Eaton Hall Creek in the North East Landowners development is on Wednesday, April 26th.   As I reviewed in my earlier post there were concerns.  Here is notice for the second meeting with more...

Eaton Hall Creek Crossing Choice

Wednesday, June 21 there is the 3rd PIC hosted by the King City northeast landowners .  As indicated in posts about the previous PIC’s, a significant issue of concern is how Eaton Hall Creek will be crossed.  This is a good opportunity for public to meet with...