15th SDRD/Keele Development Open House

Tuesday, April 1 there is a developer hosted open house  at King City Library 6:00-7:45 pm.  This in regard to an application for development by Fandor at the southeast corner of Keele and 15th SDRD.  This an opportunity for public to ask questions and make comments...
Future Plans for Parks, Trails and Facilities

Future Plans for Parks, Trails and Facilities

What are your ideas as to how our parks, trails and facilities can be improved?  What changes do you want to see?  The masterplan for these assets Is now being updated.  Some public input has already been received (e.g. the survey in fall 2024) and now there is a...
Transportation Masterplan

Transportation Masterplan

The process to update the Transportation Masterplan is underway.  Some public input has already been received (e.g. the survey in fall 2024) and now there is a Public Open House  on Tuesday, Apr. 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Zancor Centre.  The project is currently...

17th SDRD Safety Review

On Council agenda for March 21 there is a staff report recommending changes to speed limit and other changes to the 17th side Rd  from Hwy. 27 to the 12th concession. As indicated in the report Council endorsed a motion.that there be a safety review of this corridor....

Maintaining Our Stormwater Management System

On Council agenda for March 17th there is a staff report recommending that we contract for two years with Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) to provide necessary management and maintenance of our stormwater management system. As reviewed in the report,...