Fireworks Regulations

King Township Bylaw Services will be patrolling over the Canada Day weekend to ensure community safety and prevent the use of private fireworks on public property. Officers will also educate the public on King’s fireworks bylaw, which regulates how, when and where...

Prestigious Architectural Award

The King City Public Library and Seniors Centre has been honoured with a national award for its architectural excellence. Designed by Kongats Architects, the building was one of 12 recipients of this year’s Governor General’s Medals in Architecture. These awards...

Managing & Planning Our Non-Core Assets

On June 17 Council agenda there is a complex report about the Township’s asset management plan for non-core assets. Given its complexity I very much appreciated that Staff gave Council members a draft of the plan several days before putting it on the agenda.  Further...

2025 Budget Timeline and Plan

On June 17 Council agenda there is a report recommending approval of the direction and timelines for developing and approving the 2025 operating budget cycle. And, Council is also requested to endorse the estimated increase of 4-5% pending review and presentation of...

Pumping Station for Mansions of King

On June 17 Council agenda there is a report which recommends authorizing a pre-servicing agreement to enable construction of the sanitary pumping station and associated sanitary servicing for the Mansions of King.  The engineering drawings have not been finalized but...