Traffic Calming

Across the Township a common complaint is traffic travelling too fast on the local road going through the neighbourhoods.  In Ward 5 traffic calming has been installed in 2 different areas (GO train station area and quadrant north of King Road and west of Keele.)  The...
announcing the Zancor Centre

announcing the Zancor Centre

King Township secures total of $2.7 million in naming rights for the new, multi-use recreation facility, slated to open in September which will go towards future needs and maintenance of the facility. The new multi-use recreation facility will now be known as the...
Canada Day!

Canada Day!

As it has been a long beloved tradition I want to confirm that the Kettleby Village Association (KVA) in partnership with the Township of King is not hosting a Canada Day celebration in 2024.  I hope that its absence this year will be only a one year phenomenon....

Fireworks Regulations

King Township Bylaw Services will be patrolling over the Canada Day weekend to ensure community safety and prevent the use of private fireworks on public property. Officers will also educate the public on King’s fireworks bylaw, which regulates how, when and where...