2023 Operating Budget

On council February 6 agenda there is a report recommending adoption of a bylaw which would  include the 2023 operating budget, 2023 capital budget and the 2023 business plan for the Holland Marsh Drainage System.  The details of that bylaw are consistent with what...

Amendments to Protect the ORM

On February 6 Council agenda there is a staff report proposing amendments to zoning bylaws to address the impact  of Bill 23 on the municipality’s ability to protect the ecological value of the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM). As presented in an earlier report Bill 23...

Request to Repeal Designation

On February 6 Council agenda there is a report addressing a request to repeal a designation bylaw for a property on 18th Sideroad, the former Second King Baptist Church.  Given the municipality’s responsibility to conserve heritage properties I concur with the Staff...