Whistle Cessation

Whistle Cessation

.. King Township prohibits the use of train whistles at three grade train crossings along the Barrie GO Line King neighbourhoods are getting quieter. King Township, in coordination with York Region and Metrolinx, has eliminated train whistles at three (3) grade train...

Self storage on Hwy 27

At the November  4  Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for an application regarding 13305 Hwy 27 (between Nobleton Public school and Hill Farm Road) to build and operate a self storage facility.  To enable this the proponent has submitted applications...

Transportation Masterplan

Work on updating the Transportation Plan For King has started.  This plan includes all the assets of King which we use to get around:  local roads, trails, sidewalks.  Your involvement is critical as only you know current state in your neighbourhood, what needs to be...

2 presentations of Interest

At beginning of Oct. 28 Council meeting thee ae 2 presentations which will be interesting: Chief Executive Officer of our library will present “Valuing King’s Library Services” TRCA will present “King Township Forest...