Mar 18, 2023 | Budget, Miscellaneous
On Monday, March 20 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending that Council receive the Annual Report for each of the 4 municipal drinking water systems. As has been case other years, when I read these reports I am grateful to be living in a municipality...
Feb 25, 2023 | Budget, Developments, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On February 27 Council agenda there is a staff report reviewing the specific implications of Bill 23 on King Township. Since its tabling there have been staff reports reviewing the policy changes included in the bill and general comments as to how it would impact...
Jan 21, 2023 | Budget, Uncategorized
First agenda item on January 23 Council agenda is 2023 budget with a property tax increase of 4.95%. Given the overall economic picture, particularly the interest rate increases and inflation on food and fuel I know that there will be disappointment. My initial...