Request to Repeal Designation

On February 6 Council agenda there is a report addressing a request to repeal a designation bylaw for a property on 18th Sideroad, the former Second King Baptist Church.  Given the municipality’s responsibility to conserve heritage properties I concur with the Staff...

Protecting the ORM

At the January 30 council planning meeting there is report on a Township initiated zoning bylaw of relevance to lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine.  It is being recommended by Staff as a means to maintain ability to protect the ORM despite Bill 23.  With Bill 23 the...

Keele and King Road

At the January 30 council planning meeting one of the applications being reviewed is one for the southeast corner of Keele and King Rd. where there is a very prominent heritage house.  The proposal is exciting: it includes retaining the heritage property and...

Amendment for 19th SDRD

At the January 30 council planning meeting one of the applications being presented is for a site specific zoning bylaw application for rural property on the 19th sideroad to permit construction of accommodation for farm workers. The proposal includes both a new...

Another single detached house on Keele?

At the January 30 council planning meeting one of the applications being presented is for a site specific zoning bylaw application for a property on west side of Keele to facilitate a severance.  The proposal is to have both lots zoned for single detached...
Gates at Marylake Monastery

Gates at Marylake Monastery

On Council agenda for January 9 there is a report on the subject of the Entrance gates at Marylake Monastery (15th SDRD/Keele.)  These Entrance Gates are designated on the Heritage Register.  As reviewed in the report the need for maintenance was identified as there...