New Development Off Dew Street

On April 6 there is a Council Planning Meeting.  There is only one agenda item:  the application for a 4 semi-detached residential units an a condominium road to be created off Dew Street on the north side.  As indicated in the report there was a public meeting for...

Developments in NW Nobleton

On Council March 29 agenda there is a report about two development applications in the northwest quadrant of Nobleton village. To read it and access all the appendices click here and scroll down to item 7.3.    As indicated in the report that there is a serious...

Tribute (Nobleton)

On Council March 29 agenda there is a report about an development application in Nobleton village. To read it and access all the appendices click here and scroll down to item 7.4.  It is for the land parcel originally held by the school board when the subdivision was...

Janeking and King Hill

On March 1 there is the statutory public meeting for applications for 3 parcels in the area south east of King Road  and Jane; except for those who are very cognizant of planning processes this can be confusing.  I think the staff report does a pretty good job in...