Jun 2, 2023 | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized
On June 5 council agenda there is a staff report providing an update on the transition to Ontario’s Blue Box program to full producer responsibility and to provide a recommended approach in King. Its evident that Staff have carefully reviewed options and I agree with...
Jun 2, 2023 | Budget, Miscellaneous, Policies, Masterplans, Uncategorized
On June 5 council agenda there is a staff report recommending implementation of a storm water management rate beginning in 2024. As reviewed in the report there is a need to introduce this new “rate,” which is essentially an increase in property tax, as our current...
May 28, 2023 | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized
On May 29 council agenda there is a report recommending how to disburse the 2023 Community Grant funds. As reviewed the total budget is $23,000 of which $4,750 is pre-approved for 4 community events. The balance of $18,250 is for distribution to volunteer/non profit...
May 14, 2023 | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized
On May 15 Council agenda there is a report summarizing results (successes and challenges) of the winter maintenance programs. The weather statistics certainly “explain” some of the challenges experienced; there was a lot of rain. The report also provides...
Apr 22, 2023 | Budget, Miscellaneous
On April 24 Council agenda there are several reports reviewing decisions being made to ensure protection of our water and making procurement decisions to provide value. Award of 2023-T03 King City Southeast Watermain Replacement Supervisory Control and Data...