Meeting the Demands of Bill 109

On December 12 Council agenda there is a report reviewing the recommendation as to how the various planning applications will be managed in order to meet the tightened timelines mandated by Bill 109.  The latter imposes financial penalties on a municipality if the new...

Comments on Bill 23

On Council agenda for December 12th there is a staff report making comments on Bill 23 with the objective of these remarks being posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) which has a deadline of December 30. Bill 23, (More Homes Built Faster) was...

We Need the Greenbelt!

Contrary to numerous promises the Province is proposing to carve out  7,400 acres from the Greenbelt (GB) across 10 municipalities, including >600 acres in King on west side of Bathurst north of DAvid Drive.  The latter is to contribute to the goal of buidling 1.5...
Opposition to Bill 23

Opposition to Bill 23

Since its tabling on October 25 my own understanding of the negative consequences of Bill 23 has increased; my initial response that it is very bad has not changed but my understanding of the details is much clearer.  One such detail is that there is no question that...
Stopping Bill 23

Stopping Bill 23

Over the last week I have learned more about the consequences, the implications of Bill 23.  More knowledge has only deepened my understanding that it is very bad and regressive. And it has made worse by the announcement to take lands out of the protection of the...

Bill 23 impact on King

On November 7 council meeting there is a staff report on the subject of Bill 23; specifically It presents our staff assessment of the impact  on King. The implications are significant and very complex. This report coupled with comments received at the council meeting...