Motion About Safety on Rural Roads

On November 25 Council agenda there is motion by Councillor Anesty which has been seconded by Councillor Asselstine regarding establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program.   Here is the motion. I am  very supportive. If you would like the Council to know your...

Motion regarding Bail Reform and Bill C-48

On November 25 Council agenda there is motion by Councillor Boyd which has been seconded by Mayor Pellegrini  regarding  Bail Reform and Bill C-48   Here is the motion.  I am  very supportive of what the motion requests.  I am not so sure about the second...
413 is NOT a done deal

413 is NOT a done deal

November 19 I listened to very informative, well researched webinar  hosted by Environmental Defence.  As someone who has been opposed to this highway for years on the basis that it doesn’t solved the stated problem, there is an easy alternative for reducing the...

Motion Requesting Predictable Funding

On November 12 Council agenda there is motion by  Mayor Pellegrini which has been seconded by Councillor Boyd.  Here is the motion. I am  very supportive.  The intent is to achieve predictable and sustainable funding to municipalities, allowing for better longterm...

Severance at 15 Charles

On November 4 there was a statutory public meeting for an application regarding a development application at 15 Charles St;, King City.  The application is for both an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw amendment to enable a severance at 15 Charles so that...
Whistle Cessation

Whistle Cessation

.. King Township prohibits the use of train whistles at three grade train crossings along the Barrie GO Line King neighbourhoods are getting quieter. King Township, in coordination with York Region and Metrolinx, has eliminated train whistles at three (3) grade train...