Increase Usage of 407 and Don’t Build the 413

On Council agenda for April 11 there is a motion which I put forward asking the Province to increase the use of 407 ETR rather than build the 413 highway. The motion was seconded by Councillor Boyd in an earlier meeting.  In March 2021 I put forward  a motion that...

Motion for a Lake Simcoe Cleanup Fund

On April 11 council agenda there is a motion put forward by Councillor  Eek indicating support for federal funding for a Lake Simcoe restoration fund. I was very pleased to second this motion which indicates specifically how that fund should be used. As reviewed in...

Are You on the Voter’s List?

To ensure that you are able to cast you vote in the upcoming  municipal election on October 24 For information about key dates regarding the election and other details check out  

Input to draft York Region Official Plan

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes a staff report recommending comments to be submitted to York Region (YR) regarding the draft York Region Official Plan (ROP). The ROP will guide the growth throughout YR to 2051 in conformity with the Growth Plan...