Softscaping: how much?

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes a report reviewing 4 years of historical data about minor variance applications, specifically those about permeability; and it recommends preparation of amendments to the zoning bylaws for the three Villages based...

Nobleton Sewers Phase 2/contract 3 is finished

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes 2 reports dealing with the Nobleton sanitary sewer system. One report is in response to the completion of the construction of phase 2/contract 3 which means that the residents can now connect. At this stage there...

Stateview Contribution

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes a report summarizing the principles for a  Municipal Capital Facility Agreement  (MCFA) between Stateview Homes and the Township whereby the former will contribute $1,000,000 to the Township to fund municipal...

Annual Drinking Water Reports

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes the 2021 water summary report. Once again as  I read this annual report I feel very fortunate to be living in King where residents are assured that their drinking water, as supplied by the municipality, is safe. In...

Capital Projects Quarterly Review

On the February 7 Council agenda there is a report reviewing the status of various capital projects which are underway. It’s being recommended to close 12 projects and to transfer back to original sources of funding the surplus $609,000 dollars. It also...