Project MOVE (new municipal offices)

From 5-6PM on May 30 there is an open house at the Council Chambers to see preliminary design concepts, to understand timing.   Here is notice for this open house.  You can drop in any time during the hour; there is no presentation in that hour. Staff report for MOVE...

Nobleton Zoning By-law: final draft

At May 16 Council there is a public meeting for the draft Nobleton Zoning By-law. (NZBL) This is significant milestone in our program to have updated zoning by-laws for the 3 villages as King City and Schomberg’s new ones will be based on the Nobleton one.  I am...

By-laws on the CCKT agenda

The topic at the upcoming general meeting of Concerned Citizens of King Township (CCKT)  on Wednesday March 9 is By-laws. The  guest speaker is Susan Plamondon, the Township’s  Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).  Following her presentation about the by-laws...