Feb 27, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
For both my campaigns to be elected (i.e. 2010 and 2014) I voluntarily made the commitment to accept donations only from individuals; or, to say differently I committed to not accept donations from corporations and unions. My level of conviction about the importance...
Feb 27, 2016 | The Issues, Transportation
At March 7 Council York Region will review the York Region Master Transportation Plan. As King is very much impacted by regional roads I am very much looking forward to it. The Region hosted an open house event in December which some King residents attended; from...
Feb 27, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues, Transportation
Monday April 12 4PM-8PM York Region Transit (YRT) will be in the Council Chambers waiting to hear from you. This is your chance to talk face to face to tell the planners what kind of bus service you want to see. And, if you have any feedback about the current...
Feb 21, 2016 | The Issues, Transportation
On 2/22 Council agenda there is a Staff report recommending that we request the Province to resume and complete the environmental assessment on the GTA West Corridor. (Recall that it was suspended in mid December by Minister Del Duca.) This is consistent with the...