Sep 27, 2015 | The Issues
I am disappointed with the reality, so to speak, presented in the Staff report about the proposal to re-purpose lands of Schomberg Agricultural Arena and Community Centre to a transitional care centre; as reviewed the negotiations between King and Caregiver Omnimedia...
Sep 27, 2015 | The Issues
On Council agenda there is a report recommending Council support for several Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) applications but recommending no support for one at 2740 Davis Drive (Cardinal Golf Course). Having read the report I now understand the rational for the latter and I...
Sep 13, 2015 | The Issues
At 9/14 Council there is a staff report recommending the addition of 29 properties to the Municipal Heritage Register. They have been identified as meriting inclusion on the Register as they have cultural heritage value or interest for the important contribution they...
Sep 13, 2015 | Developments, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
There will be a public meeting at Council on September 28 to hear an application for an Official Plan Amendment to enable the creation of a new lot on the east side of Keele north of King Road (specifically south of East Humber Drive. Here is the public notice. The...
Sep 13, 2015 | Debbie in the Community, Developments, The Issues
On Council 9/28 there will be a public meeting to hear an application for zoning by-law amendment to facilitate a conveyance of a 21 hectare parcel of vacant land for natural heritage conservation. Here is the public notice. The Staff report will be publicly available...
Aug 22, 2015 | The Issues
Monday 8/24 at 5PM there is a working Committee of the Whole session at which the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) will be making a presentation on the “State of Assessment, Present and Future in King.” As is the usual protocol, members of...