STOP 413!

STOP 413!

Last year’s Harvest Ontario Walk to Stop the 413 was a huge success and also a lovely day out in sunny, autumn weather. This event is organized by a large coalition of environmental groups and local residents including Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet,...

Beharriell Briefings

There is a new event scheduled for Sunday, Oct.29 4pm:  the Beharriell Briefings.  Everyone is invited to participate either as an attendee or to make a 3-5 minute “briefing” which presents a solution to one of the four (4) problems identified below. ...

Traffic Calming in King City

Throughout the 2022 municipal election campaign every candidate heard that there was a need for traffic calming.  In 2023 in Ward 5 work has been done to address the issue in 2 areas:  the network of streets leading to the GO train station  and the neighbourhood west...

Road improvements in Ward 5

Five (5) Projects to improve roads are being implemented over the next couple months; two are in Ward 5.  Keele Street from Lloydtown Aurora Road to Kettleby Road for rehabilitation. The other project is the 18th Sideroad,Jane west to Hwy 400 which will be converted...

Official Plan Review: process begins

The Special Council meeting September 26 is an introduction to the Official Plan Review  There will be a presentation and then comments and questions from public and Council members.  As explained upfront the review (which to be clear is a review in order to update...