Meet The Mayor & Councillors

Over the next few months there will be four separate “Meet the Mayor and Councillors” meetings.  The first one is on Tuesday, February 27 6:30-8pm at the King City Library where Councillor Cescolini, Mayor Pellegrini and I will be there to meet with...

Street Names in Nobleton

On January 29 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending street names for a development south 15thSDRD and east  of Hwy 27.  I really like our policy for street names:  first the technical aspect, so to speak, such as whether there is same name in the...

Parking Restrictions in Schomberg

On January 29 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending on street parking restrictions in two areas of Schomberg.  As reviewed the changes are being made to improve public safety.