Earthworks at Jane/King

Preparation for earthworks , including pre-grading, at the Blackwood site at southeast corner of Jane/KingbRoad has begun.  The Blackwood site is a portion of the larger subdivision called King Jane Industrial Holdings; the draft plan for the latter was approved...

cleaning out culvert and channels

On June 15 Council agenda there is a report regarding the clean out of culverts and channels (one in Kingscross and one in Nobleton).  The report is seeking approval to single source without a RFP with TRCA.  As reviewed there is good reason for this procurement...

Expanding Broadband

To help close the digital divide and provide access to high-speed internet to every corner of the Region, YorkNet is embarking on a large-scale Expansion Project. To help support the Project, YorkNet applied for and received funding from the federal and provincial...