Village Design Guidelines

At September 25 council there will be a presentation on the draft Village Design guidelines and there will be review of the Staff report.  The scope of the guidelines is very wide as it includes built structures, street scaping and its elements, parks and trails which...

Avoid Surprises On Your Water Bill

For those on municipal water services the municipal water bill can sometimes be a shock as it shows an unusual volume  of water consumed in last quarter. The surprise element can be avoided by accessing the on line portal.  Once registered you can  access your daily...

September Council Meetings

After a summer hiatus regular Council meetings are resuming. As it has been awhile I am providing below summary of the September Council meetings. Tuesday, Sept 6 the there will be a Public Planning Council meeting at 6 pm.  (The Council meetings are usually Monday...

Earthworks at Jane/King

Preparation for earthworks , including pre-grading, at the Blackwood site at southeast corner of Jane/KingbRoad has begun.  The Blackwood site is a portion of the larger subdivision called King Jane Industrial Holdings; the draft plan for the latter was approved...

cleaning out culvert and channels

On June 15 Council agenda there is a report regarding the clean out of culverts and channels (one in Kingscross and one in Nobleton).  The report is seeking approval to single source without a RFP with TRCA.  As reviewed there is good reason for this procurement...