Village Design Guidelines: final draft

On December 11th council agenda staff is presenting the final draft of the Village Urban Design Guidelines for Council approval; intent is to replace the guidelines dating from 2006. The guidelines provide design criteria for three key areas: village centres,...

Refusal on 10th Concession

On November 13 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending refusal of a zoning application for a property on 10th concession to enable a second dwelling for farm help; specifically, concept was to build a large (910 sq m or 10,000 sq ft) house and convert the...

Official Plan Review: process begins

The Special Council meeting September 26 is an introduction to the Official Plan Review  There will be a presentation and then comments and questions from public and Council members.  As explained upfront the review (which to be clear is a review in order to update...

Village Design Guidelines

At September 25 council there will be a presentation on the draft Village Design guidelines and there will be review of the Staff report.  The scope of the guidelines is very wide as it includes built structures, street scaping and its elements, parks and trails which...

Marylake: LTC Update

On  August 17 the building permit for a 160 bed longterm care facility at Marylake has been given.  This follows the approval of the site plan application by the Director of Growth Management Services.  I have expressed many times since February 2021 concerns about...