MOU with Kingbridge Centre

On September 12 Council agenda there is a report recommending approval of a draft Memorandum Of Understanding  (MOU) between the Township and the Kingbridge Centre. As reviewed, the MOU is to be assessed in one year to determine value of subsequent renewals and/or the...

New Townhouses on King Road

Tuesday, September 6 is the statatutory public meeting to enable the development of a block at 1986,2000 and 2008 King Road with 26  conventional townhouses in freehold common element condominium units.  As said in earlier post we have seen applications earlier for...

2023 Budget: pressures and timeline

On Monday June 13 council agenda there is staff report providing insight into the budget pressures for the 2023 budget and the forecast for 2024-2026.  The report reviews the process for budget creation and eventual approval by Council. Very importantly it identifies...