Mar 4, 2024 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On the agenda for the March 6 council meeting there is a staff report presenting amendments to to the Township’s Countryside Zoning Bylaw 2022-053. As indicated approval is not being requested; feedback from public and others is still to be reviewed. The...
Feb 24, 2024 | Developments, Miscellaneous, The Issues, Uncategorized
On the agenda for the February 26 council meeting there is a staff report on the Nobleton Community Hall (NCH) presenting an extremely difficult choice for Council. There are two options but both of them are the debate between “one’s head and one’s...
Jan 16, 2024 | Miscellaneous, The Issues
Stoop and scoop! Cleaning up after your pet when you are out for a walk is the neighbourly thing to do. There are also many health considerations: excrement may contain bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to other pets and humans, and even attract wildlife,...
Dec 7, 2023 | Developments, The Issues
On December 11 Council agenda there is zoning bylaw amendment for the property at southeast corner of Keele/King Road where there is a prominent heritage house. As reviewed in the report the proposal is to create a commercial-retail building integrating the heritage...
Nov 24, 2023 | Budget, The Issues
The draft budget and business plan calls for a municipal tax increase of 5.49%. Proposed budget represents an increase of $2.127 million; 1/3 ($.673 million) is to pay for program changes. Having reviewed the justifications for the latter I have come round to...
Oct 31, 2023 | Developments, Miscellaneous, The Issues
At the October 14 council meeting a strategy was approved for the Nobleton Community Park Revitalization Strategy. The Staff report was not approved as presented in the report; one of the changes was direction to Staff to “to undertake a community survey, with...