Countryside Zoning Bylaw Amendments

On the agenda for the March 6 council meeting there is a staff report presenting amendments to to the Township’s Countryside Zoning Bylaw 2022-053.  As indicated approval is not being requested; feedback from public and others is still to be reviewed. The...
Stoop and Scoop

Stoop and Scoop

Stoop and scoop! Cleaning up after your pet when you are out for a walk is the neighbourly thing to do. There are also many health considerations: excrement may contain bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to other pets and humans, and even attract wildlife,...

Keele/ King Road Heritage House

On December 11 Council agenda there is zoning bylaw amendment for the property at southeast corner of Keele/King Road where there is a prominent heritage house.  As reviewed in the report the proposal is to create a commercial-retail building integrating the heritage...

Budget 2024 at Council

The draft budget and business plan calls for a municipal tax increase of 5.49%.  Proposed budget represents an increase of $2.127 million; 1/3  ($.673 million) is to pay for program changes.  Having reviewed the justifications for the latter I have come round to...
Nobleton Community Hall Survey

Nobleton Community Hall Survey

At the October 14 council meeting a strategy was approved for the Nobleton Community Park Revitalization Strategy.  The Staff report was not approved as presented in the report; one of the changes was direction to Staff to “to undertake a community survey, with...